….why I should walk 10,000 steps a day (join me for a January challenge!)

Why I should walk 10,000 steps a day…

I feel like every day there is new medical information coming out, a new trend in the fitness industry or a food that you should no longer eat that I can’t always keep track of what the right thing is to do. However, as my two 92 year old grandfathers taught me before they passed away, a key to a long, healthy life is to just…keep…moving.

Where did the 10,000 step guidance come from?

A Marketing tool! Back in 1965, a Japanese company created a device named Manpo-kei. This translates to ‘10,000 steps’ in Japanese. There was increased interested in fitness after the 1964 Tokyo Olympic games that a clock maker hoped to take advantage of and so he created these pedometers. With that being said, there is no science or data to back the claim that the magic number is 10,000 steps a day. However that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great number to aim for each day!

What is so magical about 10,000 steps?

Cardiovascular DiseaseLess cardiovascular disease overall, with less heart disease, less heart failure and fewer strokes. Women who walked at least 3 hours a week had a 43% lower stroke risk then inactive women.

Diabetes – Exercise helps lower your blood sugar and can improve your A1C

Asthma Helps control the frequency and severity of asthma attacks

Back pain- Increases strength and endurance in your back and improves muscle function

Arthritis – Reduces pain, helps maintain muscle strength in affected joints and reduce join stiffness.

Cancer May reduce your risk of over 13 types of cancer

Dementia Improves cognition in people with dementia and lowers the risk of dementia by 50%

Mental Health Reduces your risk of depression and encourages a feeling of calmness by promoting new activity patterns and neutral growth.

High Blood Pressure – For every 1,000 daily steps taken, the systolic blood pressure (top number) was about .45 points lower.

Walking is boring

Does the idea of taking a walk bore you? Here are some out of the box ways to get those steps in!

  • Dance like no one is watching
  • Park in the furthest parking spot at the grocery store
  • When you go to the mailbox, take a 5 minute stroll first
  • Need to go to the bathroom? Use the one that is farthest away in your home or office
  • Use a treadmill desk
  • Walk in place during commercial breaks
  • Pace when you brush your teeth
  • Carry shopping bags from your car to the house one at a time so you have to take multiple trips.
  • Take the stairs
  • Take a fun fitness class at your gym

Do I have to walk 10,000 steps?

No! Any movement has a positive effect on your health. I learned that a study in JAMA Neurology found that walking as little as 2,000 steps a day could lower your risk of premature death by 8 – 11%.

Replacing 30 minutes of sitting with standing or walk could have up to a 17% lower risk of early death.

January Challenge

Join me in a 10,000 step a day challenge. Be on the look out for a link to join the challenge and chose between:

A 10,000 step a day tracker


A tracker that will help you build up to the 10,000 steps a day!

January’s Gump Gallop 10,000 Step Challenge

How to track steps

There a few great ways to track your daily fitness.

1.Fitness trackers

  • FitBit Trackers – I have the FitBit Versa 2 and love it.
  • Apple Watch
  • Garmin
  • LetsFit – This is a great budget option that ranges from $25-$40

2. Apps

  • Pacer
  • My Fitness Pal
  • Map My Walk
  • FitBit

3. Health App on your IPhone or GoogleFit on Android

Your Turn!

Are you going to join the January challenge?
Do you have any trackers that you love to use?
What are some creative ways that you move during the day?




