10 Essentials of our Diaper Bag

10 essentials of a diaper bag

As a new mom, I have learned a lot of things these past few years including I no longer carry a purse. The diaper bag seems to be the carrier for my sons diapers, numerous sticky toys, copious amounts of snacks and….. my wallet. What else I have learned about the good ole’ diaper bag?

  • You baby will have a blow out the one time you don’t bring an extra set of clothes.
  • It should be stocked with PLENTY of snacks and a drink.
  • Toys. Always bring the toys (Its trucks for my son)

We were pretty frugal when it came to prepping for a baby. I guess practical is a more endearing word to use. We found this great bag from Amazon:

I think it is pretty popular among new mom’s as I see a lot of fellow moms carrying with it when I am out and about. It seems to have just the right amount of pockets (any more and I would pack things that we don’t necessarily need), an insulated front for bottles and a portable changing pad.

Top 10 Items We Must have in our Diaper Bag

As we have navigated outings these last two years, these are the top 10 items we must have in our diaper bag

  1. Diapers (of course)
  2. Wipes (another duh)
  3. A change of clothes
  4. Extra pacifier (and lovey in our situation)
  5. Snacks
  6. A water bottle (a nursing cover when I was breastfeeding)
  7. Doggy poop bags (to put dirty diapers in. I do know they make bags specific for diapers but once again….frugal….. I mean practical!)
  8. Hand sanitizer
  9. Diaper Cream
  10. TOYS!

Honorable Mentions

Items that we sometimes keep in our bag or tried and it just didn’t work out

Shopping cart seat cover | We did give this an honest go, but my son didn’t really liked being stuck in the seat of the cart so it was a bit of a bust.

Portable placemat | We do have this, but don’t really keep them in the diaper bag anymore. My son would play with it for a few minutes than be occupied with trying to rip it off the table.

So an ode’ to the dear, reliable diaper bag. You have been tossed onto many dirty floors, been filled often with crumbs from snacks forgotten, weighed down with all the toys that my son just couldn’t leave home without and…..have always been there when we needed ya!