How to Pick a Watermelon

Pick a watermelon

Today Lizzy Learns….how to pick a watermelon.

Ah one of my favorite things about the summertime is adding the juicy, sweet watermelon to my shopping list. Watermelon is one of my favorite foods, however, the mystery of the fruit makes selecting the perfect one difficult. Unlike many other fruits and vegetables, not being able to see the inside makes selecting the perfect one a little more difficult. Or so I thought. After many years of crossing my fingers and hoping for the best, I decided that this was the summer that I would master the art of picking the perfect watermelon. Are you picking a winner or a dud? Let’s find out!

The Shape

First, you want to look for a watermelon that lacks major lumps or bumps. From there, the shape will depend on personal preference. Do you like a sweet watermelon? Find the roundest one of the bunch. Do you like a more watery watermelon? Aim to find one that is oblong and oval.

The Color

When it comes to color, yellow is your friend. I know, I know. When we think of watermelon we think of a beautiful shade of green. And while your ideal pick will be green, you want to examine the area of the fruit known as the ‘field spot’. Field spots can be shades of white or yellow/orange, but the yellow/orange will provide you with a watermelon that is FULL of flavor.

The field spot isn’t the only thing to focus on as the shine is very important. Is your watermelon shiny? Then let’s put it back down as it is not quite ready to eat. If a watermelon is ripe, it’s color will be dull and have an overall darker shade.

Distinct Features

Be on the lookout for some webbing Watermelons that have dark webbing or sweet spots can help indicate the level of sweetness. The larger the webbing, the sweeter the fruit.

Sound & Weight

The sound test isn’t a definite way to select the perfect watermelon, but some people swear by it. If you tap a watermelon and it sounds deep and hollow that means it’s nice and ripe. If it sounds more high-pitched it’s not ripe yet. Its overripe if you get simple thud sound back.

Is it heavy when you pick it up? Put that one in your cart. That’s a great sign it is ripe!

Where to Buy a Watermelon

Some of my favorite places to pick a watermelon are:

Local Farmer’s Markets (for those living in and around CLT, here are a few local markets I have enjoyed. Check ahead of time if any vendors will be there selling melons)

Earth Fare


Harris Teeter

Where do you get the best watermelon from? Do you have any tips on how to pick a watermelon?