Practicing Metta The Loving Kindness Meditation

Metta the loving-kindness meditation

Today Lizzy Learns……how to practice Metta, the loving kindness meditation. Do you feel sometimes that you’re patience is running thin? Are you having a tendency to lean into your frustration when you encounter a slight inconvenience? Someone forgot to put on their blinker. How in the world cloud someone be so forgetful. Someone is taking a slow time checking out at the grocery store. Can’t they see that I am in a rush here?

I am guilty of being in this emotional state and I hate when I find myself there. Sometime we forget that each and every person we encounter has their own issues, fears, stresses that they’re currently dealing with.

While I was out walking the dog a the a few weeks ago, I was listening to this podcast that I gravitate towards during my morning walks called The Science of Happiness with David Keltner, I landed on a topic on the Budhist practice of Metta with guest speaker Anushka Fernandopulle. The speaker first explained the purpose of the practice as well performed a guided opportunity for listeners to experience the practice.

Purpose of Metta

Metta is the practice of Universal Love towards others and oneself. When you practice Metta you are given the opportunity to practice kindness, friendliness and gentleness towards yourself as well as others around you. It allows you to find patience towards others when you seem to be running low or gives you the chance to send love and kindness to someone who you you are distant from.

How to Practice

The practice of Metta is done in a thoughtful, concentration state of mind. You can practice in a traditional meditation environment: by yourself with your eyes closed. However, you can practice whenever you find yourself needing to.

1.Starting at the very top of your head and slowing working down to your toes, focus on relaxing each body part.

2. Focusing on someone who you love that you would wish nothing but good things for (Spouse, child, parents, sibling, friend, etc. ). While you are picturing their face, begin reciting the following:

May you be peaceful and happy

May you be strong and healthy

May you be safe from harm

May you live with ease

3. Now bring the attention to someone that you have a strained relationship with. Begin with the following phrases:

May you be peaceful and happy

May you be strong and healthy

May you be safe from harm

May you live with ease

4. Love and kindness is something that is desired by each of us so turn the attention to yourself.

May I be peaceful and happy

May I be strong and healthy

May I be safe from harm

May I live with ease

5. Now we turn our attention of goodwill to all those around us. Everyone we pass by, ourselves, animals.

May we be peaceful and happy

May we be strong and healthy

May we be safe from harm

May we live with ease

Resources to learn more

If you’re interested to learn more about other type of practices, you can check out helpful breathing techniques here

I wish you well.